Installing library on website

The following steps describe how to install SAREpush on your website.

You can install SAREpush on multiple websites and either manage them from one central account or assign separate partners for each. But remember that each website has a slightly different code. The difference is the link to the library.

SAREpush plugin work by injecting a script to your website which enables communication between your site and our platform. To do so, insert the following code before the closing head tag of your website.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">


Remember that each website has a slightly different code. The difference is website unique identifier in the link to the library.

After the code is inserted, you have to add Service Worker file to the root folder of your website. To do so, go to website management in our platform and download the following zip by click on Download Service Worker.

Finally unpack zip and upload sarepush-worker.js file to the top-level root of your website. Depending on how your website is hosted, you may need to contact administrator or developer to help you copy this file to your website.

If you are integrating SAREpush into a site with an existing service worker (like a PWA), you may have to merge service workers.

Directly from website management in our platform you can send a email message to your programmer with the manual by click on Send to developer.

Last updated